about me:
I'm a returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Morocco), had the honor of interviewing President Barack Obama for an advocacy film, and I directed a documentary feature FRONTRUNNER, about the first and only woman to run for President of Afghanistan. I’m a mom of an amazing 11-year-old boy. I also like blasting 80’s pop when nobody’s listening.
Thank you for visiting!
Currently my working home is as staff Technical Advisor in Social and Behavior Change (SBC) with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), a wonderful organization dedicated to the empowering the most vulnerable in the world to create change in their communities. Although I’m not consulting any longer, I’m always happy to chat about best practices in the field and opportunities to collaborate and create change together.
Feel free to reach me via LinkedIn!
Code of Ethics
I adopt this code of ethics as the foundation of my professional integrity. I dedicate myself to these fundamental principles to assure my work is honest and motivated by a clear and simple intention to make the world a better place for all. I promise to try my best to:
Be accountable to clients and all individuals involved in the projects.
Maintain an atmosphere of safety, inclusion and open communication within the working environment.
Examine my own cultural values and avoid imposing them on others.
Treat clients, participants, vendors and fellow employees as equal human beings deserving of respect regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
Practice environmental sustainability to the fullest extent possible in my work and remain conscious of my impact on the earth and oceans.